What is Azure Health Checkup?
Azure Health Checkup is Noventiq’s Free offer package for customers on Azure portal through Noventiq 24x7 Azure Managed Service app.
This offer is exclusively valid until 31st March 2020.
Azure Health Checkup will help you understand:
- Cost and performance best practice assessment
- Security & Compliance best practice assessment
- Licensing optimization best practice assessment
- Architecture recommendations
How can you get Free Azure Health Checkup?
- Step 1: Complete your MSP onboarding on this link
- Step 2: You accept Noventiq free Marketplace offer
- Step 3: Noventiq Cloud Management Platform connects to your Azure
- Step 4: Noventiq Cloud Management Platform provides insights to your Experts
- Step 5: Noventiq’s Azure Expert apply their knowledge to access your Azure estate (and may consult with you during this process)
- Step 6: You receive comprehensive report on what can be improved in your Azure
Noventiq – your trusted Azure partner
Noventiq is a trusted Azure Partner with Azure expert MSP certification worldwide from Microsoft. We pride our businesses on saving clients roughly 30% on their existing Azure spend and offer completely free consultations with offer named “Azure Health Checkup” through "Noventiq 24x7 Azure Managed Service" app on Azure portal.
Why you should choose Noventiq:
Noventiq is certified as a "Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Services Provider"
Noventiq has 25 years in IT market
Noventiq has Azure expert team in 50 countries, 95 cities
Noventiq provides Support 24/7 service
Limited Time Offer
Azure Health Checkup offer only valid until 31st March 2020. If you need any assistant from Noventiq, please register now for priority support from Noventiq Azure experts!
Register Now
Contact us now
T: +95 (9) 230 4405 | E: itsupport2@noventiq.com
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Noventiq Myanmar - Unit 1104, Level 11, Myanmar Centre Business Suites, Myanmar Centre Tower 2, No. 192, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
noventiq.com.mm - info@noventiq.mm
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