The Cyber Threat is real. Make sure you’re prepared!
Cyberattacks can happen any time, any day. They are scary, costly to remediate, and unfortunately all too common. This is why proactive protection and security of your IT environment is so important.
Why the C-suite should care about cybersecurity?
of C-suite executives are very confident their cybersecurity plans are well established, yet only 17 percent demonstrate the highest levels of preparedness and capability
of CEOs are reluctant to share security incidents externally, yet external collaboration is recognized as a powerful offensive capability against cyber-criminals
The CFO, CHRO and CMO feel the least engaged in cybersecurity threat management activities yet are the stewards of data most coveted by cybercriminals
Join our event named “Microsoft 365 All – in - One” in order to:
- Clarify which actors present the greatest risks and assess the organizational commitment to risk aversion.
- Improve awareness and drive a more risk-aware culture across the entire organization.
- Use collaboration both internally and externally to manage threats and secure the organization’s most valuable digital assets.
- Enforce security standards across both the IT infrastructure and business processes.
Speakers Information
Mr. Htin Lin
Country Sales Manager of Softline Myanmar
Mr. Thet Htun Aung
Technology Strategist – APAC Partners CTO Office of Microsoft Myanmar
Mr. Nam Nguyen
Business Development Manager of Softline Emerging Market
Mr. Sang Pham
Security Specialist of Softline Emerging Market
This is an exclusive event and we are keeping seating limited to allow for better collaboration and discussion amongst the groups, so if you could confirm your interest at your earliest convenience, that would be appreciated.
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